International Ski Orienteering Championship of the Slovak Republic



Organiser:                          Slovak Union of Orienteering Sports


Technical Support:              TJ Sokol Pezink -  Orienteering Club


Competition Centre:           Ski Area Pezinok - Baba, Tourist Base Korenný vrch


Date:                                  Saturday 19.2.2005 - SR International SO Championship of Individuals on Long Routes

Sunday 20.2.2005 - SR International SO Championship - Relays


Categories:                         Saturday    M,W -14, -16, -18, -20, 21- , 35- , 45-, Open

                                          Sunday      M,W -14, -18, 35-, W 19-  two-member relays

                                                           M 19-  tree-member relays


Expected Winning Times:    By SZOŠ rules


Map:                                  “Snow-flake” 1: 10 000, E 5m, size A 4, authors Štefan Noga, Anatolij Bilobžickij, situation 12.04, map in waterproof cover


Terrain:                              Typical for Malé Karpaty mountains with many roads, routes will be adjusted with kasbohrer and snow-scooter


Punching System:                Sportident, hire of chip 40 SKK/pce



                                          By 9.2.2005 to the address:

                                          Pavol Poláček, Kupeckého 47, 902 01 Pezinok,


                                          tel. and fax:00421 33/6402100,   

                                          mobile:00421 0908930360

                                          After 9.2 for double starting fee.


Starting fee:                        Individuals M, W -14, -16, -18, OPEN    90 SKK

                                                                       M, W 19-                               130 SKK

                                          Relays                   M, W -14, -18, 35-, W 19-   200 SKK

                                                                       M 19-            300 SKK


Presentation:                       18.2. Pezinok, Holubyho 22,  19.00 - 21.00.

                                          After presentation unofficial start-list making.

                                          19.2. Tourist Base Korenný vrch, Pezinok - Baba 8.00 - 9.00


Start 00:                             On Saturday at 10.00, on Sunday at 9.00


Accommodation:                Tourist Base Korenný vrch  00421 903 787604, 907 989328

                                          300 SKK/person/night

Book your accommodation in due time as the ski centre has limited capacity.


Competision Officials:         Director                            Pavol Poláček

                                          Bulding of Routes  Anatolij Bilobžickij


Warning:                            Participation at your own risk! After 9.00 possible troubles with parking in competition centre.